Our premium rolled tarts are made with 100% imported butter and are carefully hand rolled piece by piece to ensure superior quality in our products befitting our valued customers.
The production of our rolled tarts are free of preservatives and every piece melts deliciously in the mouth.
明师傅黃梨酥是100%使用进口牛油制成 。外形小巧的黃梨酥皆以手工搓捏。我们的食品无添加保鲜剂,呈现在顾客眼前的,绝对是至高品质的黃梨酥。感受入口即化的黃梨酥,尽在明师傅!
Ingredients: Butter, Flour, Eggs, Sugar, Pineapple Filling
成份:牛油, 面粉, 蛋, 糖, 黄梨馅
Ramuan: Mentega, Tepung Gandum, Telur, Gula dan Berinti Nenas.
Instruction: Refrigerate once opened to maintain freshness. Toast for 2 minutes at 150 Celsius to recreate "fresh out of the oven" experience.
Arahan: Arahan: Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk setelah dibuka untuk mengekalkan kesegaran. Bakar selama 2 minit pad suhu 150 Celsius sebelum hidang.
18 pcs / 18 粒 per box
320g per box